Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015

Haddonfield 65 Club
September, 2015
The regular business meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held August 13, 2015. President Kille called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. There were 14 members present.
The meeting started off with the Pledge to the flag, followed by the singing of God Bless America. Bill Brown introduced a visitor from Japan who was one of the Japan Exchange participants in 2013.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on August 13, 2015. The minutes were approved as read. He also read the minutes from the last Board of Directors meeting, held on September 3, 2015.
In Walt Baker’s absence, there was no treasurer’s report. The report presented at the BOD meeting was posted on the bulletin board.
Bill Brown reported that the Amish country trip for August 29th   has increased to 37 participants. Howard Rementer, Jack Aharon and Bill Brown have worked hard to increase the participants in this trip
President Kille briefly mentioned the many upcoming events which included the Amish country trip, the fall luncheon, the wine and cheese party and the American Music Theatre trip.
After brief reports on bridge, pinochle, bowling and golf, the meeting was adjourned to the End of Summer luncheon. Thanks to Bill Brown and Henry Leimkuhler for arranging this affair.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernie Schaming, Secretary