Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 2022

 The regular business meeting was held in the 65 Club clubhouse on Thursday July 14, 2022.

President Roger Jacobs called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.  There were approximately twenty (20) members attending with several on Zoom.

Dave Tarditi led The Pledge of Allegiance and provided a prayer.

Minutes – Fred Willis

·        The major points of minutes of the last Business Meeting, held on April 14, 2021, were read.  They were approved without changes.

·        The major points of the minutes of the May and June Board of Directors Meetings were read.

·        The minutes of the last Board of Directors Meeting, held on July 7, 2022, were read. 

President’s Report – Roger Jacobs

·        Roger thanked Frank Lodge for planning and organizing the 65 Club entry in the July 4 parade.

·        Two new club members introduced themselves.  They were

o   John Reed who had recently moved to Cherry Hill from Louisiana.

o   Joseph Kiernan, an architect, who was interested in bowling.

·        The Fall Festival will be held October 8 on Kings Highway between Tanner Street and Haddon Avenue.  The Club will participate in the event. Volunteers are required to set up and man the club table.  Also, the borough is requiring each organization to provide some sort of entertainment.  The club requires some suggestions and assistance with this.

·        Roger informed the club that former 65 Club President Bill Brown had been elected President of the Haddonfield Lions Club.

 Treasurer’s Report – Hank Zaleski

·        The $650 donation from Carl’s Sunoco and the expected income from the September Flea Market should provide sufficient income for the remainder of this year’s budget.

·        The effect of inflation is becoming a significant factor in the remaining budget expenditures.

Speakers – David Tarditi - 1st VP

·        Dave reported speakers are booked through the first week of August.  He needs more. There are six weeks unscheduled in August and September.

Membership – Joe Galliera – 2nd VP

·        Joe was unable to attend the meeting.

·        Roger stated there were three potential members for Joe to contact. The three had attended the 65 Club June 9 Sunoco 65th celebration meeting and signed in as guests.

Event Committee Reports

Trips/Events - Bill Brown

·        Bill has resumed the position of organizing trips.  However, a replacement must still be found in the future.

·        He will resume planning trips since the pandemic is receding.

Friendship – Henry Leimkuhler

·        Saul Resnick is having a hip replacement.

Golf –

·        There was no report from the organizers.

·        Hank reported there were 25-30 attendees per week

Bowling – Walt Baker

·        Bowling continues on Friday morning at 9:30 AM

Bridge – Bernie Schaming

·        Bridge continues on Monday, this week twelve (12) played

Pinochle – Tom Mervine

·        Pinochle continues on Wednesday, this week ten (10) played

Chess – Fred Willis

·         No report.

Tai Chi

·        No report

Old Business

Flea Market

·        Club and public donations are welcomed.

·        Public donations will be advertised in two local newspapers.

·        Contributions may be brought to the clubhouse in August.

Green Jar

·        Bill provided a detailed description and example showing how to make a contribution to the Green Jar.

New Business

·        Howard will investigate if a dry cleaner will clean an American flag for free.  The club’s flag has become dirty.

·        The club received a Thank You note from member George Tice who lives in Rochester New York and recently turned 104. The club sent him cookies as a presnt.

·         Bill Hoffman informed the club his Grandson is very artistic and recently made a sketch of Bill. The sketch was sent to Congressman Andy Kim and is on display In the House of Representatives.

Joke Master

Neil Wise and Roger Jacobs each told a joke in a battle to the bottom. The members listened, laughed and refused to select a loser because it would delay getting their ice cream.

President Roger Jacobs adjourned the meeting at 2:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Fred Willis, Secretary