Friday, March 13, 2020

March 2020

The regular business meeting was held on March 12, 2020. President Bill Brown called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.  There were 15 members present.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America.  Our Chaplin, David Tarditi, gave the invocation.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on February 13, 2020.  The minutes were approved as read.  He also read the minutes from the board of director’s meeting held on March 5, 2020.
Treasurer, Dave Tarditi, gave the financial report and posted the details on the bulletin board.
President Brown informed the club that a Thank You note had been received from the family of Don Gosnay for the charitable contribution in Don’s name.
Dave Tarditi informed the club dues from two additional members will be received soon.
Bill Brown informed the club he had the club house rugs cleaned this past week for $100. The second cleaning service decided not to bid on cleaning the club house.  Bill contacted the first cleaning service who will begin cleaning about March 17.  
Mayor Neil Rochford stopped by and asked if the club planned to continue meeting with the spread of the coronavirus.  Bill Brown informed the mayor the meetings would continue, at present.  The mayor said the Mable Kay house had ceased meeting for a month and if the 65 club suspended meetings to notify him.
Mayor Rochford informed the club the HMHS musical `Hello Dolly’ would continue performances and the performance is excellent.
Al Schmidt informed the club the Tai Chi class had begun yesterday and was very good.  This class will be held every Wednesday at 9:00 AM.
John Cokos requested book donations be suspended for a month.  Too many books are being donated, space is short and it will take some time to pass books onto other organizations.

Membership - Roger Jacobs – 2nd VP – Roger reported the club Trifold Brochures had been distributed to the Haddonfield library and five churches.  He suggested a club member, at each location, hand write their name and phone number of the brochures.  This would personalize the contact aspect.
Speakers – Frank Lodge – 1st VP – Frank reported the speaker list was currently filled.  Upcoming speakers are the General Manager of Tavistock Country Club and a person involved with teaching kids’ automobile mechanics and culinary skills in Camden.
Welfare – Henry Leimkuhler – Henry reported Dan Columbi was up and about town after his successful surgery.
Activities - Bridge, pinochle and bowling are continuing with steady attendees.  Golf has ended for the year but the golfers are looking forward to a spring start.
Spring Luncheon – Bob Parsons reported the spring luncheon will remain at $30 person at Tavistock. Bob will be working with Secretary Fred. Willis to generate the calling lists and invitations to Borough officials.
Trips - Bill Brown informed the club the Simeone Museum trip of March 24 has 25 sign-ups with a breakeven point of 30.  The bus will depart from the Pub parking lot at 9:30.
Bill Hoffman informed the club he recently saw six deer crossing Hopkins Road near the pond.  Also, foxes had been seen in the area
Joke masters Bob Parson and Don Miano managed to do the almost impossible, they brought droopy eye, staring members back to life with their jokes.
President Bill Brown adjourned the meeting to refreshments at 2:00.
Respectfully Submitted
Fred Willis, Secretary