Sunday, November 17, 2019

November, 2019

The regular business meeting was held on November 14, 2019. President John Cokos called the meeting
to order at 1:30 PM. There were 20 members present
The meeting began with the pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. Our Chaplin,
David Tardiit, gave the invocation.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on September 12, 2019. The minutes
were approved as read. He also read the minutes from the board of director’s meeting held on November
7, 2019.
Treasurer, Dave Tarditi, gave the financial report and posted the details on the bulletin board.
There were no new members at the meeting. Frank Lodge, the 2 nd VP was not present to report on the
membership. However Rich Cunliffee reported a friend he brought to the Wine and Cheese party appaid
id his dues for the club and will be joining. His paper work must still be completed though.
Saul Resnick, the 1 st VP was not present but John Cokos informed us Saul had lined up speakers till April.
Bill Brown informed us the Tropicana trip had 35 sign ups. The breakeven point is 40 sign ups. One
member suggested the club hook with Scotts(?) to provide trips. Bill said that had been investigated but
most of their trips were not on Tuesday the usual 65 club day. Tuesday is a traditional for trips because
activities are scheduled for other days. If the trip day is changed then some members will be excluded.
A sign-up sheet for the Christmas meeting will be provided next week. Saul is still looking for 5
members to describe their Christmas experiences.
Dues for 2020 are now due.
Members acting as marshals for the Diabetes Run should arrive at the clubhouse by 8:00 for donuts and
coffee. The club received a request from the Fortnightly to provide marshals for their December 3
Snowflake Run. John will ask Joe Galleria if he wants to handle this or should interested members
contact the Fortnightly directly.
Bill Brown informed us the Salvation army will be permitted to solicit funds at the Haddonfield Acme on
December 6. Anyone interested in helping should contact Bill for a time.
The club received a thank you note from the Methodist Home in Collingswood for a contribution in the
name of member Donald Gosnay, who passed away recently.
Bill Brown conducted an auction of wine and cheese that was not consumed at the party. The auction
raised $60 for the club.
John presented several historical facts for the Good of the Order. President Cokos adjourned the meeting
to refreshments at 2:20.
Respectfully Submitted
Fred Willis, Acting Secretary