Thursday, May 3, 2018

May, 2018

The board of directors meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held on Thursday May 3, 2018. President Al Schmidt called the meeting to order at 10 AM. Roll was called and 13 members were present.
The secretary read the board meeting minutes from April 5, 2018. The minutes were approved as read.
Dave Tarditi gave the treasurers report and it was approved for audit.
Six new members were approved this month.  Doug Rauschenberger, Lawrence Mazzu and John Ruggero were approved as regular members and Timothy Barnes, Phillip and William Baumgartner, Jr. were approved as guest members.
Jay reported that he has speakers lined up through the middle of August with 2 open dates.
· Bill Brown reported via email that he has 36 signed up for the trip to the Hindi Mandir, in Robbinsville NJ with only one not paid at this time.  Bill also wanted the board to know that he can put together a summer wine & cheese party in a few weeks if the board decides to have one in the summer.
Spring Luncheon
· Bob Parsons reported that he has 115 people signed up for the luncheon next week. This is a significant increase over the past couple years.
Old Business
· Al Schmidt reiterated that the spring cleanup has been moved to June 14th after the regular business meeting. Henry will again talk to our neighbor to see if she needs any cleanup help.   
· Mike Underwood indicated that he would be getting together with Bud Pusatere to discuss the proposed restaurant fundraiser. Mike reported that he would hold a 4th of July committee meeting on May 17th to make plans for the parade.
· Jay Cokos will begin looking into obtaining a 10’ x 10’ tent for use at the flea market and at the Fall Festival. It was suggested using our existing banner to attach to the tent but it is too large. Jay will explore having our name printed on the tent. Obviously, the cost will be somewhat higher.
New Business
· Mike Underwood reported that golf is going well with 32 people playing on May 2.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bernie Schaming, Secretary