Thursday, June 11, 2020

June, 2020

The regular business meeting was held on Thursday June 11, 2020. The 65 Club clubhouse was closed due to the Corona virus shutdown. The meeting was conducted remotely using the Zoom program. President Bill Brown called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.  The number of members on Zoom are unknown.
Bill waived The Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America for this meeting.  Chaplin,  David Tarditi, gave the invocation.
The secretary gave a synopsis of the last Business Meeting held on May 14, 2020, which was conducted on Zoom. The most important issues were trips scheduled at the May meeting were still occurring and weekly speakers were still presenting via Zoom. 
The Secretary also gave a synopsis of the minutes from the June 4, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting. The minutes were not read.  The secretary informed the attendees the May Business Meeting and June Board of Directors Meeting minutes could be read on the club website.
Treasurer- Dave Tarditi gave the financial report.  The club is still in good financial shape. The bank balance is increasing and a CD was renewed for 24 months at 1.15%.
President Bill Brown informed us the Haddonfield Memorial High School graduation was being held at 6:00 PM on Saturday June 13 and if we knew anyone graduating to congratulate them. Bill thanked Rick Bonnette for his suggestion to hold an outdoor meeting at the clubhouse.  Unfortunately, the heavy rain today prevents trying the plan but it would be considered for next week.
Roger reported Haddonfield has been nominated by USA Today to be one of the best historical towns to live in in the country.  Haddonfield won this award in 2017 and is currently in second place in the voting for 2020.  One person, one vote daily is permitted until June 29.  Roger requested the club notify its members about the award and explain how the voting is conducted.  There were no opposing views so Roger and Phil Kinsey will compose a message and notify the membership.
Membership - Roger Jacobs – 2nd VP – Roger reported club brochures have been distributed to the Grace Episcopal church and the Lutheran and Methodist churches.  This means nine churches, including the two black churches are currently not receiving the brochures. Roger will compose a letter describing the club’s benefits and obtain BOD revisions and approval. The letter will then be sent to the nine churches.  
Speakers – Frank Lodge – 1st VP – Frank reported the speaker list is still filled currently filled with speakers who are willing to present using Zoom.  Some speakers prefer the live audience and decline the zoom presentation.  The next three speakers will present on organ repair, astronomy being done in Chile and beer tasting from Kings Road Tavern.
Welfare – Henry Leimkuhler – Henry reported Dan Columbi was hanging in there with dialysis. Several members, including Don Beck and Charles Legge, are still in quarantine at their assisted living homes. All members are happy to hear from Henry and the club.
Activities –
Bridge – Bernie reported members are still playing bridge through the web on Thursday evenings.
Bowling -Walt Baker provided some information on bowling but due to a bad connection the secretary was unable to understand it. 
Golf – due to state regulations golf has not resumed.  Until some shutdown regulations are revised, the golf courses will not open.
Trips - Bill Brown informed the club the August baseball trip status is unknown.  The Phillies do not know if they will be playing by then and have offered several alternatives.  These alternatives will be reviewed by the BOD in July.  It is also unknown, at this time, if the bus company will provide a refund.
The July trip to Shofuso is still proceeding.  A Signup sheet is on the club website and money will not be collected until the day of the trip.

President Bill Brown adjourned the meeting at 1:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Fred Willis, Secretary