Friday, January 10, 2020

January, 2020

The regular business meeting was held on January 9, 2020. President John Cokos called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.  There were 28 members present
The meeting began with the pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America.  Our Chaplin, David Tardiit, gave the invocation.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on November 14, 2019.  The minutes were approved as read.  He also read the minutes from the board of director’s meeting held on January 2, 2020.
Treasurer, Dave Tarditi, gave the financial report and posted the details on the bulletin board.
Incoming new member, Steven Wright introduced himself and gave a brief work history.  Steve will be formally approved at the February 13 meeting
President John Cokos made a short farewell speech before introducing the new officers and board.  John described the enjoyment he had as president. He thanked 1st VP Saul Resnick and 2nd VP Frank Lodge for their help; the speaker lineup, performed by Saul was tremendous.  The club gave Saul an ovation.
President Cokos then introduced the incoming officers for 2020.  These are Bill Brown – President, Frank Lodge – 1st VP, Roger Jacobs – 2nd VP, Fred Willis – Secretary, David Tarditi – Treasurer, Don Mirano – Assistant Treasurer. The new board members Howard Rementer, Dewaine Osman, Henry Leimkuhler, Philip Kinsey, Bernie Schaming were introduced and officers and board members were sworn in.
New president Bill Brown assumed his position and began to conduct the meeting. President Brown stated his major goal for the year would be to increase Haddonfield club Members.  He also hopes to increase the activities the club supports
Roger Jacobs – 2nd VP – Roger informed the club Joe Haro is in the hospital.
Frank Lodge – 1st VP – Frank informed the club Stuart Harding would speak in place of Joe Haro next week.  Stuart will speak on the Haddonfield Sculpture Week.  Joe McElroy will speak and instruct the members on poppy assembly on January 23.  January 30 date is open.  Frank received three speaker cancelations in the past few days.
Activities - Bridge, pinochle and bowling are continuing with steady attendees.  Golf has ended for the year.
The club received a note from the family of non-attending member George Tice.  George is 101 and enjoys reading the monthly newsletter.
The club was notified member Ken Landgraf wife died recently.
John Cokos inform the club that last year speaker Buntzie Chuchill was speaking at the fortnightly on January 14.

Haddonfield Mayor Neil Rochford attended the meeting and invited the club members to attend the Mayors Breakfast on January 18 at the Presbyterian church.  The Haddonfield person of the year award will be presented and the Bourgh commissioners will present the status and plans of the departments they are responsible for. The Mayor also answered some club members questions on various borough issues and problems.’ He will investigate whether borough will purchase laptop PC computer for the 65 club because the building is Haddonfield property and all properties should have a computer.
John Cokos presented several historical facts for the Good of the Order.  President Bill Brown adjourned the meeting to refreshments at 2:15.
Respectfully Submitted
Fred Willis, Secretary