Thursday, September 14, 2017


The regular business meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held September 14, 2017. President Leimkuhler called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. There were 23 members present.
The meeting began with a presentation by David hunter on his new Haddonfield Calendar which was both interesting and informative. It was followed by the Pledge to the flag and the singing of God Bless America.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on August 10, 2017. The minutes were approved as read.
David Tarditi gave the treasurer’s report and posted it on the bulletin board.
Henry reported that Buz Murphy had knee surgery and is doing well and that Charles Legge is getting better. Henry also noted the nice article on Butch Brees in the Haddonfield Sun and also that Butch is running the Fire Company golf outing on October 18th.
President Leimkuhler announced the Fall Festival will be held on October 14th. Al Schmidt volunteered to honcho the club participation in the festival.
Henry also announced that next week will be an outside cleanup day at the club.
The bridge and pinochle tournament seasons began this week and the bowling season will start this Friday.
The meeting was adjourned to refreshments at 1:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernie Schaming, Secretary