Thursday, January 11, 2018

January, 2018

The regular business meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held January 11, 2017. President Leimkuhler called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. There were 31 members present.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America.
The secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on November 9, 2017. The minutes were approved with one modification; the brewery being visited in February is located in Merchantville, not Pennsauken. He also read the minutes from the January board of director’s meeting held January 11.
Don Beck submitted his report for correspondence for 2017. Eleven get well cards, four sympathy cards and sixteen Christmas cards were sent during the year. In addition, four memorial donations were made in honor of deceased members.
David Tarditi gave the treasurer’s report and posted it on the bulletin board.
Bill Brown reported that all is ready for our visit to the Evergreens next week. We will leave the clubhouse at 10:30am. He also reported that he is having problems with bus reservation for the brewery trip in February but is working on alternative plans. It is possible that we may have to carpool.
President Leimkuhler announced the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee and polled members for any nominations from the floor. With no additional nominations, a vote was taken by acclamation and the slate of officers for 2018 was approved and the oath was administered. The new officers are:
Al Schmidt
W. Bernard Schaming
1st Vice President:
John (Jay) Cokos
Dave Tarditi
2nd Vice President:
Saul Resnick
Asst. Treasurer:
John Hempstead
Directors for 3 Years
Jim Dunn
Bud Pusatere
Warren Reintzel
Director for 1 Year
Bob Parsons (replacing John Hempstead)

In addition, Bill Brown, Charles Legge and Howard Rementer will continue as directors for 2 years.  Ron Howley and Mike Underwood will continue as directors for 1 year. Henry Leimkuhler will continue on the board as past president.
As his final act, past president Leimkuhler performed his favorite duty by demonstrating the proper technique for putting money in the cash jar. He then turned the meeting over to 2018 president Al Schmidt.
Al solicited any other business from the floor and proceeded to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned to refreshments at 2:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernie Schaming, Secretary