Friday, February 12, 2016

February, 2016

The regular business meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held February 11, 2016. President Wise called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. There were 19 members present.
The meeting started off with the Pledge to the flag, followed by the singing of God Bless America. Chaplain Dunkle gave the invocation.
Colin Mac-Allen was introduced as the speaker and he gave a very interesting history of Tavistock Country Club including its transition from the Haddon Country Club, the land purchase, the multiple fires and some of the great golfers who were members.
Following the speaker the secretary read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on January 14, 2016. The minutes were approved as read. He also read the minutes from the Board of Directors meetings held on February 4, 2016.
President Wise reported that Clark Perks and Carlton Chin both enjoyed speaking to the club and both were willing to come back. He also introduced Al Schmidt as the new membership chairman for 2016.
Walt Baker gave the treasurer’s report and posted it on the bulletin board. Walt reported that we still have approximately 20 members who have not paid their 2016 dues.
Henry Leimkuhler requested suggestions for a speaker or entertainment for the Ladies Spring Luncheon.
Bill Brown reported that after cancelling the casino trip and wine tasting at Tomasello winery he had multiple requests for tickets. Of special interest was a request from the Haddon Heights Italian American club for a block of tickets. This could be a source of trip-takers for the future. He also announced that they have monthly dinners for a nominal charge.
Bill also reported that he has arranged another casino trip for Wednesday, April 6. The trip will include $10 in slot play, $20 food voucher, a show titled the Legends of Song. Details will be in an upcoming email and the March newsletter.
Ron Howley reported that Champ Goldie participated in four events at a recent competition including the 55 meter run, shot-put and two other events. Champ won all four events.
The meeting was adjourned to refreshments at 2:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernie Schaming, Secretary