Thursday, August 10, 2017


The regular business meeting of the Haddonfield 65 Club was held August 10, 2017. Vice President Schmidt called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. There were 17 members present.
The meeting began with the Pledge to the flag, followed by the singing of God Bless America.
The Vice President read the minutes from the last Business Meeting held on July 13, 2017. The minutes were approved.
David Tarditi gave the treasurer’s report and posted it on the bulletin board.
Al announced a variety of information available at the county store in Voorhees..
Bill Brown reminded members of the casino trip on August 29th and told the members that there are still slots available, but going fast. The cost of the trip is $44. 33 have paid so far.  Bill also announced that the casino trip in November is not a Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers performance, but a tribute to them.
Bill told us that Walt Baker is featured in an article in the Haddonfield Sun and will soon be featured in our club newsletter.
Bill also gave a special thanks to those who supported the Haddonfield Japan Exchange with special mention to Bob Parsons and Lou Dunkle.
Bill reminded members that the flea market will be September 16th with a rain date of Sep 23rd.
Tom reported that the Indian King Tavern is hosting 2 beer events in September, A beer tasting on the 16th that includes dinner and entertainment. This is their major fundraiser for the tavern. The second event is a beer brewing on the 30th. Flyers were made available.
Frank told us about the Sons of Italy Lotto December and offered tickets for sale.
A suggestion was brought up to provide a larger bulletin board for posting our announcements. We will have to look into available wall space.
The meeting was adjourned to refreshments at 2:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Al Schmidt for

Bernie Schaming, Secretary